• Faith: Stephen Gideon

    • Hope: Aurelia Choy

    • Charity: Analisa Ramos

    • Fortitude: Julianna Gaines

  • In case you missed the announcement a couple of weeks ago, Sophia Montessori Academy announced its grade level expansion through 3rd grade, as well as a move to co-locate in the LCC building with OLV. 

    Current SMA families are already in the process of enrolling preschool (ages 3-6) and elementary age students (age 6-10). They are almost 3/4 full, but OLV families are still receiving a preference to enroll before the general public, which will begin next week.

    To secure a priority spot, all you need to do is sign up for a tour using this link. You may also reach out to SMA at Info@sophiamontessori.com to learn more about the program!

  • We had a generous professional photographer, Ranjani Groth, take photos of our Junior Play: Little Women.

    Please use this link to access the Little Women professional photos.

  • Well Read Mom is discussing The Father’s Tale by Michael O’Brien on Friday February 21st from 1:30 - 3 pm.

    This audio interview with Marcie and the author is worth listening to. There is an audio available if sitting with a book is not an option.

    Please remember if you don’t finish the book still come to the meeting.  There is always lots to learn and unravel. 

  • Current Students: Enrollment and Tuition Agreements Are Underway
    On January 7th, parents should have received an email via TADS with enrollment instructions for the 2025-26 school year. All returning students in good standing are guaranteed a seat for the 2025-26 school year. Still, they must enroll and complete the tuition agreement - that deadline is February 17th. 

  • On Friday, February 21st, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Our Lady of Victory will welcome Scott “Intake” Kartvedt as our guest speaker. Scott is a Naval aviator, combat veteran, former Blue Angel pilot, President of the Blue Angels Foundation, and stunt pilot for Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick. DO NOT miss this unique opportunity to hear his incredible stories of combat, stunts, and life at the speed of sound. Now a motivational speaker and author, he will also share his personal stories and reflections on humility, service, sacrifice, community, and faith. Immediately following Scott’s presentation, we will have a holy hour of adoration with worship provided by Matt Miller. We’d like to invite our entire community to this very special Formation Friday; parents, siblings, prospective families, benefactors…anyone!  See you there!

  • The Spirit Store is officially open with NEW GEAR for the Spring 2025 ordering period! Please place your orders by February 24th and orders will be delivered the week of March 24th.


  • We are hosting three exciting events this spring that you will not want to miss! Invite your friends and family to experience these unique, world-class opportunities. See additional information in the graphics below. We encourage you to RSVP for planning purposes; thanks be to God many of our events have filled up the auditorium lately!



    When: Friday, March 21, 2025 (5:30 VIP cocktail hour, 6:15 student call time, 7:00 all parent admission)

    Is this a Fundraiser or a Friendraiser? It’s BOTH! As in past years, all parents will want to come to view their children’s talent. They can also use this opportunity to grow our community, widely inviting friends, future OLV parents, and extended family to come experience the beauty of Chesterton exemplified by our Fine Arts programming, while benefitting OLV’s future.

    VIP Cocktail Hour Tickets: The evening will start at 5:30 p.m. with VIP access for ticket-holders to a cocktail and hors d’oeuvres hour with our Art Teacher Ms. Dam and the Executive Director, along with exclusive, uncrowded, sneak peeks at the student art show with the opportunity to select art pieces which, for a donation to OLV, will be professionally digitized and elegantly framed for your home or office, and delivered to your student a few weeks after the evening. NOTE: All student art will stay with the school that evening and will be sent home once it is digitized. Finally, ticket holders get priority seating during the chorale performance. Like last year, we will offer a 6-pack ticket package (for adults only) at a reduced price, to encourage you to bring friends along for a fun evening out!


  • Official Spring sport registration is now open and will close on February 24th.

    We are offering a strength and conditioning program that will run on available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from March 3rd - May 2nd and be coached by Coach Jayce. More details can be found on the athletics page.

    Unfortunately, we were unable to find a track and field head coach for this season. Thank you to those who have filled out our interest forms.

  • New Students: Continue to Encourage Your Friends to Join OLV!

    We have sent out the first round of admissions acceptances to 37 freshmen families. We have more freshmen families and transfer student families who are still in the application and interview process. We look forward to welcoming these families and expanding our joyful Catholic education. We will continue to accept applications until the class enrollment limit is reached for each grade. 

    If you know of families who may be interested in OLV, please see the information below and pass along to them. Please join us for upcoming admissions events to encounter our joyfully Catholic high school. Prospective parents are required to attend either an Open House or Prospective Parents Coffee and students are required to come for a Shadow Day.

    Check out our Admissions page and read more about these events!

    Upcoming Admissions Events:

    • February 27: Shadow Day (4 spots available) 

    • March 11: Shadow Day (4 spots available) 

    • April 9: Open House (8:15 - 10:15 am with Mass at 7:30 am)

    • May 2: Middle School Formation Friday for 7th Graders (1:00 - 3:00 pm)



  • On Friday, February 21st, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Our Lady of Victory will welcome Scott “Intake” Kartvedt as our guest speaker. Scott is a Naval aviator, combat veteran, former Blue Angel pilot, President of the Blue Angels Foundation, and stunt pilot for Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick. DO NOT miss this unique opportunity to hear his incredible stories of combat, stunts, and life at the speed of sound. Now a motivational speaker and author, he will also share his personal stories and reflections on humility, service, sacrifice, community, and faith. Immediately following Scott’s presentation, we will have a holy hour of adoration with worship provided by Matt Miller. We’d like to invite our entire community to this very special Formation Friday; parents, siblings, prospective families, benefactors…anyone!  See you there!

  • Please join us to experience Mass and the timeless beauty of Gregorian Chant with Floriani, a men’s sacred music vocal ensemble.

    Floriani sings at 1:00 pm followed by Mass at 2:00 pm.