The Math Science Program


Mathematics is the art of measuring. Science is the study of what can be measured. While math is woven together with the sciences, it is also connected to the humanities. It teaches logic, which is a basic philosophical principle. It teaches balance, which is a basic aesthetic principle. Math at Chesterton Academy covers Euclidean geometry and algebra, all the way through advanced Calculus.


Foundations Track: Euclidean/Analytical Geometry (9th) - Algebra I (10th) - Algebra II/Trig (11th) - Pre-Calculus or Statistics (12th)
Traditional Track: Euclidean/Analytical Geometry (9th) - Algebra II/Trig (10th) - Pre-Calculus (11th) - Calculus or Statistics (12th)




Science is the study of the physical world, that is, of God’s creation. None of these subjects can be approached without a sense of wonder. It is fitting, therefore, to begin by looking up at the heavens, at the lights in the sky: Astronomy. Then we take a look at the world God created (Geology), the creatures he created (Biology), and the intricate substances of which all things are made (Chemistry). We end by gaining an understanding of the nature and properties of matter and energy (Physics).


Grade 9: Astronomy and Earth Sciences
Grade 10: Biology
Grade 11: Chemistry
Grade 12: Physics